Chapitre France de la Computational Intelligence Society IEEE
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 Dr. Bouchon-Meunier, Présidente du Chapitre de la CIS France
The Chapter was founded in 2003 by Prof. Gérard Dreyfus from the ‘Laboratoire d’Electronique de l’Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles’ as a Chapter of what was then the IEEE Neural Network Society. In 2007, the current Chapter Chair, Dr. Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier – director of research with the CNRS at the Computer Science Laboratory LIP6 of the ‘Université Pierre et Marie Curie’ – took over responsi-bility for the Chapter. Along with Dr. Bouchon-Meunier, the Chapter is led by Vice-Chair Prof. Sylvie Galichet from the ‘Université de Savoie’. Chapter Secretary is Adrien Revault d’Allonnes, a PhD candidate from the ‘Université Pierre et Marie Curie’, named in place of Dr. Thanh Ha Dang when he defended his PhD.
At present, the Chapter has 78 members, of which 3 IEEE Fellows, 9 Senior Members and 9 students and gradu-ate students.
In 2007, the CIS France Chapter gave a new impulse to its activities in the presence of Prof. Jacek Zurada (Uni-versity of Louisville, USA), president of the IEEE CIS from 2004 to 2005, who kindly accepted to hold a semi-nar entitled “Fully Coupled and Feedforward Neural Networks with Complex-valued Neurons” on May 10, 2007.